樓主: tvirus

[中東] 杜拜報告

發表於 2008-1-24 13:54:02 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-1-25 03:42:21 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for the info
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發表於 2008-1-26 10:49:07 | 顯示全部樓層
thank you so much
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發表於 2008-1-27 16:46:25 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-1-27 18:38:05 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks, but 黑妹, not my cup of tea
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發表於 2008-1-28 05:37:15 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-1-28 14:37:47 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-2-4 12:14:22 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks, but i think i will not try it.
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發表於 2008-6-8 00:13:08 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks bro, what u say about the way to play in dubai is about right, i have been there last year and asked the taxi driver, there is no brothel there cause it is illegal due to the muslim religon n/or gov rules.  go to disco is the only way to get girls.  also the only type of gals u can try that is closest to the "middle eastern" type will be the pursian (ie the iranian or the afgans) the iranian can be very very beautiful.  from my memories, there is a suburb (forgot the name)that has alots of US multinationals offices (eg microsoft, oracle etc), in that suburbs there is a lot of discos n clubs of which gals are available.  not too sure about the prices cause didnt go n try but i heard fr the taxi driver that it can be quite expensive (may be around US200-400) one shot for nice russian or iranian gals.
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發表於 2008-6-9 22:36:05 | 顯示全部樓層
allow me to share my experience, stay in 5 star hotel then no problem getting girls in, rest is troublesome and annoying, nowadays Dubai is so expensive, even short time will cost 450 durham, one year ago only 300durham. We called a mamasan called Fatuma. Being there at so many bars in Dubai, found Raddisson hotel Kubu is the quality one, atmosphere is good, but girl expensive, eastern block girls cost about 1100 -1500 durham for one night, that is ONLY till 6am. Rip off!!

If anyody needs Fatuma's mobile, just let me know. Cheers.
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發表於 2008-6-11 09:58:50 | 顯示全部樓層
I went to Dubai in April and visited a place called German Massage ( or something like that).

There were four girls, 2 Chinese 1 Vietnamese and a black girl.

I took a Chinese girl and paid Durham 300, but it was only a massage. Any additional services (even touching inside her clothes) have to be paid separately as tips. I was fed up with the bargaining and just left it at that. Very expensive compared with Sydney.
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發表於 2008-6-14 12:09:22 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1 tvirus 的帖子

Good report! Good luck !!!!
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發表於 2008-7-6 13:20:03 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #51 virus 的帖子

Hi Virus, it's me again. I found you posted this in June..I was thinking it might be possible to get you addressed to this reply.

Actually I am now in Dubai and would like to know where I can make a shot. Heard that you recommend a mamasan called Fatuma. May I have the contact pls? And how does it work?

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發表於 2008-7-6 18:54:42 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tvirus 於 2007-1-28 03:38 發表
見到有兄弟出左malay報告 我特然回想起早兩年去中東杜拜工幹 都吊左件...黑妹

其實小弟在杜拜只係吊左酒店女,因為唔識講中東話 唔知本地點玩法
不過夜晚收工後同d同事去左disco 有好多china女女在 圍起黎都成600-8 ...

cyclone, 好似俾人close 左啦喎!
由舊年12 開始直至今年 5 月都未開返
大部份女女都轉去captial hotel 的韓k 返工

仲有關於價錢問題! 你指800蚊係1 q?
我上馬過幾次, 無輪點講價, 幾點去都好! 800 係1 q
過夜起碼要1600 以上

如有錯, 請師兄指點!
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發表於 2008-7-6 19:30:26 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #54 dubai 的帖子

i will email Fatuma's tel in private.

pls contact me

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發表於 2008-7-10 09:45:17 | 顯示全部樓層
D黑妹會唔會好似D 四仔咁落力琴高琴低係咁搖係咁訂架? 定同香港D女一樣你主導架?
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發表於 2008-7-13 21:11:49 | 顯示全部樓層
Normally you can find loads of girls in Dubai, e.g. Regal, York, Perimere etc.  The going rate at the moment is AED 600 - 800 Chinese & African, AED 1000 to 1500 Russians.  They price are all LT, and you can do as many pops as you wanted.

But watch out for hotels, some of them are not GF.  Le Meridan near the airport is GF.
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發表於 2008-7-14 00:02:52 | 顯示全部樓層
Thank You for your Sharing.
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發表於 2008-7-21 09:45:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Good discovery channel report!
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發表於 2008-11-1 21:42:16 | 顯示全部樓層
吊女都有津貼咁正 @@?
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